Personal Trainer Calabasas

Debby is a former professional IFBB Bodybuilder and NPC bodybuilding national champion. Debby has over 30 years experience as a professional personal trainer. Whether you are a man or woman, want to build muscle and strength or just lose fat, Debby is the personal trainer for you.
Debby is an early riser and is sometimes available for in-home personal training in Calabasas as well. Now retired from competition, Debby never lost her passion and desire to train the mind, body and spirit.
Debby has an encyclopedic knowledge of with bodybuilding, strength training and nutrition. Debby, like Jason is a Body Transformation Artist – sculpting the body to create a symmetrical and proportional piece of art. She loves giving others the tools and direction to achieve the body their dreams!
Personal Trainer in Calabasas
Calabasas Personal Trainer Debby also believes in the importance of nutrition, and the importance of making healthy eating a way of life, by designing meal plans around each person’s goals, lifestyles and taste buds.
Debby has over 30 years’ experience as a competitive bodybuilder and as a personal trainer. Debby is always studying advanced the latest advances in nutrition and training.
Debby firmly believes every person should have their own personalized fitness program, as well as individualized meal plans, based on their age, body type, specific personal needs and goals.
Calabasas Personal Trainer Debby has trained clients ranging in all ages from kids to seniors from bodybuilders, to extreme makeovers, from injury prevention to rehabilitation, to professional athletes and professional models, to the guy who wants a six pack abs or the girl who wants the perfect legs and butt.
In Home Personal Training in Calabasas For Busy Moms And Housewives

When playing a game like Pictionary and you are given the words “busy mom”, you will automatically sketch out a female stick figure with messy hair, possibly holding a cup of coffee in one hand, crying baby in the other, laundry basket full of dirty clothes, and a house in disarray. Everyone knows that moms neglect themselves in order to care for everyone and everything else first. Moms are selfless and sacrifice so much to make their families happy. But like the saying goes, “happy moms, happy kids” or “a happy wife is a happy life”. You cannot lose sight of who you are and get your life back with these useful steps to consider towards a happier life as a busy mom and wife:
Solo time.
When you find that you are not having enough solo time to yourself, try to plan more or less 30 minutes aside for that time to recharge yourself. Whether it is pampering yourself for a mani-pedi, getting a past due massage from your favorite day spa, or just catching up on your reading, it is important to have that alone time allotted whenever possible. Your family will be grateful to see a refreshed person in the end.
Time with friends and/or husband.
Catching up with your friends and/or reconnecting with your husband can help boost your soul. Adult conversations with your friends will rejuvenate you and make you feel connected outside of your baby world. Having a date night with your husband can help you reconnect with each other and make you feel extra special too. That is what soul mates do for each other, right?
Lastly, an important, healthy step is to exercise on a regular basis. Studies have shown that exercise naturally makes you feel good because of the release of endorphins. If you are a busy stay-at-mom, then working with our Calabasas Personal Trainer in the privacy of your own home may be more convenient and practical. Under Jason Kozma’s instruction, your personal trainer will cater to your personal fitness needs and guide you every step of the way. Jason has a team of trainers that he has trained in his methods to provide his unique type of training and results. You will be given 100% attention with your workouts which will give you real results. Just like Kim Kardashian who recently had a baby, she is working with her personal trainer to get her pre-baby body back and exercising six times per week. Regular exercise will give you that positive boost you need to stay strong and healthy for yourself as well as your family.
To find out more about getting your life back on track by signing up with a High Performance Calabasas personal trainer, contact us today!
Meet Some of Our Clients
About Us
If you want to look great, lose weight, and firm and tone your muscles, consider hiring a Calabasas personal trainer from the High Performance Personal Training Team. With personal trainers available in Calabasas, Santa Monica and Los Angeles, we have one that can easily come to your location and develop a program that will help you get in better shape than you ever thought possible before.

Team Leader Jason Kozma is a former Mr. America who is based out of Santa Monica. He has more than 20 years of experience helping clients lose weight, increase their performance in sports, and decrease body fat. Jason works with men and women alike, structuring his approach differently in order to help each person meet his or her individual needs. While men normally prefer to get ripped abs and build muscle, that’s not always the case with women, and Jason can help ladies lose fat, get back in their “skinny jeans”, become firmer and stronger while still looking feminine and curvaceous. For those men women who do want a more muscular appearance or even compete, Jason can help them achieve those goals as well.
Calabasas Fitness and Weight Loss Services
In addition to personal training at our Santa Monica headquarters, we also offer the following fitness related services to address all your health and fitness needs:
Private training with a High Performance Personal Trainer in your west side home gym, office gym or outdoors. Call to verify availability.
In home sessions with Jason himself are more, contact for details.
Your very own custom-designed weight training, cardio and nutrition plan created for you by Mr. America Jason Kozma himself. Learn more by clicking here.
Meal Delivery: Healthy, organic, Mr. America – approved meals delivered to your door.
Meet the High Performance Personal Training Team here
Calabasas private fitness trainers
High Performance Team Trainers Debby and Larry provide personal training in Woodland Hills at a great gym. In home personal training in Calabasas is also available with High Performance Team trainer Sean.