Personal Trainer Sherman Oaks
3 Simple Weight Loss Tips
Everybody knows that if your body uses up more calories than it needs then you’ll lose weight. The most effective ways to achieve that goal is to transform your eating habits and exercise regularly. Such lifestyle changes require professional help, which we can provide as your personal trainer.
Even before you consult us, however, you can begin your journey to fewer pounds by adding the following simple activities to your life.
- Always take the stairs. If your office is above the ground floor, consider yourself lucky. You have an activity you can perform twice a day that takes almost no time. Rather than take the elevator, use the stairs both coming and going. If you find that climbing more than a floor is too taxing, take the stairs only when you go down. And even then, start by taking the stairs to the next floor down – you can then ride the elevator from there. As you become more fit, add more floors.
- Park far away. When you go to a movie or go grocery-shopping, your first impulse is to park as close to the entrance as possible for convenience. Force yourself to walk more by parking in the furthest corner of the parking lot. The extra steps will burn more calories. As a bonus, it’s generally easier to find parking further away because that is the last place people want to put their cars.
- Stand up to compute. If you sit down when you use your laptop, either to work or play, don’t be surprised if your bottom starts spreading out. To cure that ill, stand up whenever you use your computer. A stand-up desk is ideal for such a purpose. But if you don’t have one and can’t convince the boss to get one, put your computer on top of the break room counter, which usually requires standing for use. At home, use your laptop on top of a kitchen counter, dresser or bureau.
If you need more ways to add activity to your life, please call me. Such relatively minor changes can form a useful foundation for a more rigorous exercise program.
Sherman Oaks Personal Trainer Works with All Types of People

To look at Larry, a High Performance Personal Training Team Captain, you’d assume he’s an expert in working with top athletes. He has the low bodyfat and muscular body of an experienced physique competitor. He can work with you a your home, gym, or in our training facility using tried-and-true weights, the newest fitness equipment, and cutting-edge personal fitness techniques.
If you’re a high-powered competitor, he knows about improving your strength, speed and endurance. As an athlete himself, he understands the dedication and sacrifice needed to become the best at your sport. He’ll work with you on the most effective methods of improving your performance. But Larry also works with those simply interested in getting into shape or improving general health.
He studied kinesiology in college and has worked with teens and the elderly. If your body prevents you from working out with a host of pains, Larry can find ways to minimize the effects of such common conditions as tendonitis, bulging discs, poor posture, or physical injuries. He works around your asthma, diabetes, and hypertension. His methods can reduce or eliminate the pain and increase the functions of your lower back, neck, or knees.
If you’re a non-athlete, Larry won’t subject you to the rigorous workouts needed for competition, until you’re ready. Instead, he’ll emphasize fun of doing things with your body and a lot of information about good health. You can start with a serious discussion of what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it. Then he’ll map out a plan for your physical improvement based on your abilities.
So get started on the path to better sports performance, weight loss or beginning physical training. Contact us today.
Expect Great Results with our Sherman Oaks Personal Trainers
If you want to look great, lose weight, and firm and tone your muscles, you should sign up to train with one of the High Performance Personal Training Team. With personal trainers available near Sherman Oaks in the San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica and Los Angeles, we have one that is close enough to you or we can easily come to your location and develop a program that will help you get in better shape than you ever thought possible before.

Mr. America and his High Performance personal training team want to give you the maximum results with minimum effort. (There will still be a lot of effort btw)
Contact us today!
Our closest gym facilities are in Woodland Hills and North Hollywood. In home personal training in the area is also available.
Private training with a High Performance Personal Trainer in your home gym, office gym or outdoors. Call to verify availability.
In home sessions with Jason himself are more, contact for details.
Your very own custom-designed weight training, cardio and nutrition plan created for you by Mr. America Jason Kozma himself. Learn more by clicking here.
Meal Delivery: Healthy, clean, Mr. America – approved meals delivered to your door.
Sherman Oaks personal trainers
Our High Performance Team Trainers near Sherman Oaks are Larry and Debby and is occasionally served by other team trainers including Sean or others. Those seeking VIP training can train with Jason at our Santa Monica headquarters. Debby’s gym is in North Hollywood and Woodland Hills and she is also available for in home or outdoor training in adjacent areas.
Other Los Angeles personal training locations and trainers
Meet the High Performance Personal Training Team here