Personal Trainer South Bay

There is no offseason for the best. Train with a champion, become a champion. Those who want to train with the best are ideally suited to be one of Jason’s clients.
South Bay Personal Training expert Jason’s specialties are strength training, nutrition, flexibility, pre and post rehab and of course, bodybuilding.
Jason will get you results safely in a faster timeframe than you can believe. Jason’s knowledge of training and nutrition is without peer. Hop over over to the Before & After and Testimonials sections to see past results.
Still skeptical? Do a search for “Jason Kozma Yelp” and read his reviews there.

Professional and Olympic athletes whom have trained with Mr. America Jason Kozma include Marshall Faulk (NFL), Hideo Nomo (MLB), Lovianne Jung (Team USA), Jung Min Chu and Cho Sung Min (NPB). Jason also frequently trains student athletes from USC, UCLA, and local high schools looking for a professional-level competitive “edge”.
Jason is also highly skilled at finding other excellent personal trainers, recruiting them and teaching them his methods to be able to provide the High Performance Personal Training method – Jason’s training and nutrition formula for faster, safer and more long lasting results. What’s the secret? Everyone is different and everyone needs their own custom designed training routine and nutritional plan for optimal results.
Jason also has two High Performance Personal Trainers in the South Bay area:
Sean – competitive cyclist, athletic training and weight loss specialist (more info to come soon)
Deena – women’s fitness, senior fitness and post rehab specialist
South Bay Personal Trainer For Women
Meet Deena
South Bay Personal Trainer Deena will meet you at a local gym or come to your location in order to help you meet your physical fitness goals. Whether you’d like to tone up, lose weight, or both, Deena will customize a program that’s exactly right for you, and provide all the motivation you need to stick with it.
Deena has more than 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, working with clients in both New York as well as the Los Angeles area. One of her favorite things to do is to incorporate outdoor exercise into her clients’ fitness routines. This is done to provide stimulating aerobic exercise mixed with resistance training in order to help sculpt the body.
Deena provides the motivation and makes your workouts fun. Contact us to get started training!

Team trainer Deena
Deena is available in the South Bay and Santa Monica areas.
Mix Up Your Workouts
You’ve seen the ads, the movies, and the TV shows showing ripped male and female athletes grunting, groaning, and grimacing their way through athletic competition to reach their ultimate goals. If they could talk through the pain, they would seem to be saying that misery is the only way to a better body. Certainly, if your goal is to be number one in a particular sport, physical sacrifice is part of the game, if only because the other guy is doing it.
But does the same hold true if you just want to get fit or lose weight? Do you have to work out to the point of misery? Is it really “no pain, no gain?”
What you really need to do is talk to our South Bay personal trainers. We can create a fitness plan that fits your lifestyle to get you feeling and looking great.
We can even skip the gym for now. Luckily, we live in the land of eternal sunshine and beautiful beaches. We can take your effort outside or to the beach, which is something no health club can do, and which can be far more fun and rewarding.
Forget your boring march on the treadmill. For your run, sprinting up the steep streets of El Porto from the beach will turn up your fat burning furnace. Feeling a bit hot? You can head for the water as fast as you can until its over your head and then head back just as quickly.
If you want to take a break from the sun, we can can go for workouts in the shade of your own home. Your trainer will have portable fitness equipment for great workouts. Missing the gym equipment? You’ll find all that you need at our South Bay gym.
If this sounds like what you’re looking for, contact us, your South Bay personal trainers. The sooner you call, the sooner those pounds will melt away.
South Bay Personal Training – How We Are Different
Your workouts will be fun and effective for one simple reason. We get to know who you are as an individual. We ask you what your goals are. Do you want to lose weight for that upcoming wedding, get ripped for a bodybuilding or bikini competition, build strength for football, or increase endurance for an upcoming marathon? We take your goals into account.
At our initial meeting, we’ll also ask you to perform some simple exercises so we can gauge your abilities. We can then tailor your exercises and diet to what works best for you either at your home or our gym in Hawthorne.
We’ll start slow with exercises that you can do, instead of forcing you to do movements that you can’t. We’ll also up the fun factor and motivate you to stick with your program by coming up with new activities for you at every workout. Why don’t you contact us now to see how you can get started?