After you have your baby, there’s a period of time when losing the weight you gained while you were pregnant is the last thing on your mind. Sure, you’d like to be able to fit back into your pre-pregnancy jeans someday; but for the first few weeks, you’re focused on your new bundle of joy and spending more time in your comfortable sweatpants than you are in anything else. Post partum weight loss isn’t yet on top of your priority list.
Then you have to go back to the real world. Maybe you’re headed back to work and realize that you don’t have any hope at all of buttoning your pre-pregnancy pants. Maybe you’re staying home with your baby, but can’t get into anything but your yoga pants. Whatever the case, you’re ready to work on getting that pregnancy weight back off–but you don’t even know where to start!
If you’re still breastfeeding, that presents its own unique challenges. You can’t restrict your calories too much, or your milk supply and the quality of your milk will suffer; and besides, you may be suffering food cravings every bit as intense as anything that you had while you were pregnant. How are you even supposed to begin?